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Our symbol is the CELTIC CROSS an ancient Christian Symbol to represent Canadian Heritage , Cultural and Traditional Values!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Watch this! Trudeau should be charged with high treason for aiding and abetting radical Islamist terrorists.

Watch this! Trudeau should be charged with high treason for aiding and abetting radical Islamist terrorists.

  Section 46 (1) (c) states that a person is guilty of high treason if he or she, "assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are." One could certainly argue that he has done this by bringing people to Canada whose stated goal is to take over. Is he ignorant or complicit?
So now, in addition to Trudeau being guilty of supporting genocide by ignoring Christian Syrians in favour of Islamic Syrians as migrants brought to Canada, he is guilty of treason.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Stop the speech restrictive "anti-blasphemy" Motion M-103!

Stop the speech restrictive "anti-blasphemy" Motion M-103! LINK

YOUR URGENT HELP IS NEEDED! Motion M-103 is currently being considered by Parliament and is scheduled for a vote on Thursday, February 16th.
The motion will encourage legislation that would criminalize speech deemed "islamophobic" and lay the groundwork for imposing what is essentially a Sharia anti-blasphemy law on all of Canada.
If that happens, criticism of Islam would constitute a speech crime in Canada.
This motion uses the term "islamophobia" without defining it, and without substantiating that there is in fact any such widespread problem in Canada.
This will lead to ideologically-driven overreach and enforcement against alternative points of view—including mature, reasoned criticisms of Islam.
If this motion passes and legislation is enacted:
  • Criticism of the treatment of women in Islamic-majority Middle Eastern countries could be criminalized;
  • It could be a punishable offense to speak out against the Mustlim Brotherhood, or to denounce radical Imams who want to enact Sharia law in Canada;
  • Criticism or depiction of Muhammad could be punishable by law;
  • Schools that teach the history of Islam's violent conquests could be fined—or worse.
That kind of content-based, viewpoint-discriminatory censorship is unacceptable in a Western liberal democracy.
Furthermore, Motion M-103 addresses a particular religion to the government's special consideration, while ignoring hostility toward other religions, such as Christianity or Judaism.
Although the Motion is titled “Systemic racism and religious discrimination,” it never once mentions anti-semitism, or discrimination against Christians and other religious groups. That's ironic, since data shows that the majority of Canada's hate crimes are anti-semitic, not anti-Islamic!
Passing this resolution would demonstrate a clear and impermissible governmental preference for Islam over other faiths.
So far, all parties have indicated unanimous support for the bill. We face an uphill battle, but it's imperative that our government understands that we oppose this motion.
Sign the petition immediately to send a message to MPs and party leaders, asking them to drop support for M-103!
Further information:

Sign this petition now!

CitizenGO will protect your privacy and will keep you informed on this and other campaigns.
M-103 is an affront to free speech
To Members of Parliament Iqra Khalid, Ron McKinnon, and Raj Grewal,
(cc: The Honourable Conservative Party Leader Rona Ambrose and New Democratic Party Leader Tom Mulcair)
I am writing you to express my deep misgivings and opposition to Motion M-103, titled "Systemic racism and religious discrimination."
This motion will encourage legislation that would criminalize speech deemed "islamophobic" and lay the groundwork for imposing what is essentially a Sharia anti-blasphemy law on all of Canada.
This motion uses the term "islamophobia" without defining it, and without substantiating that there is in fact any such widespread problem in Canada.
This will lead to ideologically-driven overreach and enforcement against alternative points of view—including mature, reasoned criticisms of Islam.
That kind of content-based, viewpoint-discriminatory censorship is unacceptable in a Western liberal democracy.
Furthermore, Motion M-103 addresses a particular religion to the government's special consideration, while ignoring hostility toward other faiths, such as Christianity or Judaism.
Passing this resolution would demonstrate a clear and impermissible governmental preference for Islam over other faiths.
For all these reasons, I strongly urge that you retract and oppose Motion M-103.
[Your Name]

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The new Canadian Nationalist Front name.

We have decided after about a decade of being the White Nationalist Front we needed to evolve into the Canadian Nationalist Front.

Why? More of a focus and emphasis on Canadian based White Nationalist activism, content and symbolism.

We are still committed to networking with the global White Nationalist movements but we must put Canadian Nationalist interests first and foremost. Furthermore we will be registering as a political party to run in federal elections in the near future.

For Euro-Canada, Our Heritage! Our Homeland!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Dalai Lama Warns Against Taking Too Many Migrants, Arab Domination: ‘Migrants Should Return’

by Raheem Kassam31 May 2016

The Dalai Lama has said there are too many migrants pouring into Europe, warning against the continent becoming Arabised, and claiming the solution is the eventual repatriation of migrants.


Agence France-Presse has reported that the leader of Tibetan Buddhism said: “When we look at the face of each refugee, but especially those of the children and women, we feel their suffering, and a human being who has a better situation in life has the responsibility to help them.
“But on the other hand, there are too many at the moment… Europe, Germany in particular, cannot become an Arab country, Germany is Germany”.

“There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult.”
The Dalai Lama added that “from a moral point of view too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily”.
“The goal should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”

His comments are almost the same as those made by Europe’s anti-Islamisation PEGIDA movement, and similar to comments made by groups like France’s Front National, Germany’s Alternative Fur Deutschland, and to a lesser extent, Britain’s UK Independence Party.
Speaking to Germany’s Frankfurter Allegemier Zeitung newspaper, the Dalai Lama, who is perhaps the world’s most famous refugee himself said this weekend: “The goal should be to return and help rebuild their own countries”.
But these groups are usually lambasted as “racist” or “xenophobic” for saying so.
The Dalai Lama, however, was recently named the most popular world leader, with over three-quarters of adults (78%) on average having a good opinion of him.
And he has also previously applauded the intake of smaller numbers of migrants by European nations, implying that he believes that asylum policies can be a good thing if done in manageable numbers to preserve European culture, as his comments imply.
“You have to consider many factors, whether you can take care of these people,” he said during a visit to the U.K. in September. “You have to be practical… It’s impossible for everyone to come to Europe,” he added.
“‘Taking in a few thousand refugees is wonderful but in the meantime you have to think about a long term solution too – through development and education in these Muslim countries.”

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Kevin Goudreau on The Right Voice Radio

Kevin Goudreau on The Right Voice Radio last night, If you missed the show you can hear it on their Podcast Archives.

Friday, March 11, 2016

American Imperialism, Islamic Terrorists and So-called Refugees Invading Our Lands

    Because of American Imperialism aka "Bringing Democracy" to the middle east it has destabilized Persian and Arab countries, why? Of course favorable oil trade deals and reconstruction contracts after they bomb the heck out of their nations after an America/Israeli friendly puppet government has been put in place.

    This destabilization creates a power vacuum after the destruction of functional and successful secular states to be filled by Islamic extremists like ISIS to overthrow the weak fledgling puppet states meanwhile providing both sides with the same weapons for profit like the 8 year Iran/Iraq war America engineered in the 80s to the Invasion of Iraq and instigation of the Arab Spring by the USA.

    This strife creates enemies bent on killing all Infidels, American/Israeli/Coalition countries like Canada by sending so-called refugees that happen to me mostly men of fighting age between 25 and 35 years of age to wreak havoc in our nations by infiltration, taking advantage of our free money for immigrants to send back home to fund wars against us, turn our own people against us radicalized to kill us, spreading radical Islam and committing white genocide by their sheer numbers and creating Sharia Law Enclaves that are Muslims Only areas within our own countries.

    Toronto has almost 6000 homeless people and over 7000 families on waiting lists to get housing whilst so-called Syrian refugees are living in nice hotel rooms, getting housing right away by-passing Canadians on waiting lists, that will get free daycare, 50000$ business grants we are not privy too, free lease on a car for a year, more money than average Canadians from social service organizations but to criticize this is racist according to the anti-whites and promoters of white genocide


    Stop the Invasion!Stand Up! Be proud and shout it out loud! Stop the madness! Our Heritage! Our Homeland!