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Showing posts with label vets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Trudeau ditches Rememberance Day cerimonies to go give billions of taxpayer money to Asian turd world countries.

 Typical Turd shows his disdain for our veterans and dislike of the Canadian Armed Forces by ditching Remembrance Day ceremonies for a useless meeting in a Turd World country, to give away billions of taxpayers money! The Turd is not patriotic.



    Instead of attending Remembrance Day ceremonies and supporting our troops like a normal Prime Minister would, he leaves for a turd world Asian country that day!

    Instead of supporting Canadian Armed Forces Veterans as promised before he was first elected, he gives away taxpayers money at about 1.2 billion dollars so far this week to Asian turd world countries!

    Instead of supporting our Canadian Armed Forces that is falling apart, lack of equipment, outdated over 40 year old  fighter jets which half are grounded, 40 year old navy ships, 40 year old submarines with no deals signed for any upgrades!   Instead giving away another 333 million to Ukraine plus what was already given to them in hundreds of millions and equipment and it is not even our war!




     Further degrading our military by now allowing people with tattoos on their faces and died pink hair! Now allowing non-citizens to join our military and that is a major breach of national security!

   Creating a fictitious commission run by a woman to go after our military members in a witch-hunt for false and fabricated so-called sexist behaviour or misconduct for alleged comments like jokes etc further castrating our army!

Turdeau is is not a patriot nor does he support our troops and vets!