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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Saskatchewan stabbings fault of the liberal system, government to blame

 Releasing a violent  career criminal into society is the fault of the government for allowing Galadu Native Court and so-called Healing Lodges all a scam to get less time, get charges thrown out or get a slap on the wrist because boohoo mommy was a drunk and my daddy beat me and because of the white man I drink and do drugs lol 





That is not justice, no whining and crying because mummy did not hug you enough, many have a so-called tough childhood and don't go a murderous rampage, excuses excuses.

  All a con and a scam, yeah I'm native so I will commit crimes and get special treatment and get club med treatment in a "healing Lodge", utter rubbish

   Second most popular scam is "I am crazy and not criminally responsible, again a scam to get club med treatment, get no time, get free drugs you don't actually need so you can sleep your time away like a bug, cowards cheating their time sleeping it all away and getting the royal treatment because mommy did not hug them enough and from a broken home so it is ok if they kill masses of people, his childhood was so bad it's not his fault.

   If you cannot do the time do not do the crime. Scammers that get free drugs to sleep, the drugs they are given are sleepers, they call them anti-psychotics but the scam is, there is an actual line of bullshit you feed a shrink to get free drugs to sleep and less time, all you have to do is say you here voices and think about killing all the time then your in for the free ride.

    They have little scams like smoking when we cannot, they carry a pouch around their neck with tobacco in it for ceremonial and religious purposes for smudging etc and guess what?! That pouch has rolling papers and matches to have a smoke and we can't!

    Enough of the special privileges for people using an old scam to get easy time, everyone knows how it works but it is ok  because they are more victims of life more than the rest of the world and it is bullshit.

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