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Saturday, January 24, 2015

New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America

 Tuesday 28 February 2012

New archaeological evidence suggests that America was first discovered by Stone Age people from Europe – 10,000 years before the Siberian-originating ancestors of the American Indians set foot in the New World.

A remarkable series of several dozen European-style stone tools, dating back between 19,000 and 26,000 years, have been discovered at six locations along the US east coast. Three of the sites are on the Delmarva Peninsular in Maryland, discovered by archaeologist Dr Darrin Lowery of the University of Delaware. One is in Pennsylvania and another in Virginia. A sixth was discovered by scallop-dredging fishermen on the seabed 60 miles from the Virginian coast on what, in prehistoric times, would have been dry land.
The new discoveries are among the most important archaeological breakthroughs for several decades - and are set to add substantially to our understanding of humanity's spread around the globe.

The similarity between other later east coast US and European Stone Age stone tool technologies has been noted before. But all the US European-style tools, unearthed before the discovery or dating of the recently found or dated US east coast sites, were from around 15,000 years ago - long after Stone Age Europeans (the Solutrean cultures of France and Iberia) had ceased making such artefacts. Most archaeologists had therefore rejected any possibility of a connection. But the newly-discovered and recently-dated early Maryland and other US east coast Stone Age tools are from between 26,000 and 19,000 years ago - and are therefore contemporary with the virtually identical western European material.

What’s more, chemical analysis carried out last year on a European-style stone knife found in Virginia back in 1971 revealed that it was made of French-originating flint.
Professor Dennis Stanford, of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC, and Professor Bruce Bradley of the University of Exeter, the two leading archaeologists who have analysed all the evidence, are proposing that Stone Age people from Western Europe migrated to North America at the height of the Ice Age by travelling (over the ice surface and/or by boat) along the edge of the frozen northern part of the Atlantic. They are presenting their detailed evidence in a new book - Across Atlantic Ice – published this month.

At the peak of the Ice Age, around three million square miles of the North Atlantic was covered in thick ice for all or part of the year.
However, the seasonally shifting zone where the ice ended and the open ocean began would have been extremely rich in food resources – migrating seals, sea birds, fish and the now-extinct northern hemisphere penguin-like species, the great auk.
Stanford and Bradley have long argued that Stone Age humans were quite capable of making the 1500 mile journey across the Atlantic ice - but till now there was comparatively little evidence to support their thinking.

But the new Maryland, Virginia and other US east coast material, and the chemical tests on the Virginian flint knife, have begun to transform the situation. Now archaeologists are starting to investigate half a dozen new sites in Tennessee, Maryland and even Texas – and these locations are expected to produce more evidence.
Another key argument for Stanford and Bradley’s proposal is the complete absence of any human activity in north-east Siberia and Alaska prior to around 15,500 years ago. If the Maryland and other east coast people of 26,000 to 19,000 years ago had come from Asia, not Europe, early material, dating from before 19,000 years ago, should have turned up in those two northern areas, but none have been found.

Although Solutrean Europeans may well have been the first Americans, they had a major disadvantage compared to the Asian-originating Indians who entered the New World via the Bering Straits or along the Aleutian Islands chain after 15,500 years ago.
Whereas the Solutreans had only had a 4500 year long ‘Ice Age’ window to carry out their migratory activity, the Asian-originating Indians had some 15,000 years to do it. What’s more, the latter two-thirds of that 15 millennia long period was climatologically much more favourable and substantially larger numbers of Asians were therefore able to migrate.
As a result of these factors the Solutrean (European originating) Native Americans were either partly absorbed by the newcomers or were substantially obliterated by them either physically or through competition for resources.

Some genetic markers for Stone Age western Europeans simply don’t exist in north- east Asia – but they do in tiny quantities among some north American Indian groups. Scientific tests on ancient DNA extracted from 8000 year old skeletons from Florida have revealed a high level of a  key probable European-originating genetic marker. There are also a tiny number of  isolated Native American groups whose languages appear not to be related in any way to Asian-originating American  Indian peoples.
But the greatest amount of evidence is likely to come from under the ocean – for most of the areas where the Solutreans would have stepped off the Ice onto dry land are now up to 100 miles out to sea.
The one underwater site that has been identified - thanks to the scallop dredgers – is set to be examined in greater detail this summer – either by extreme-depth divers or by remotely operated mini submarines equipped with cameras and grab arms.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Lest We Forget

Lets remember Cpl. Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, RIP Canadian soldier heroes... enough said


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Canada Under Attack From Within!

Turns out that whilst I was typing online yesterday at this time an Islamist terrorist was attacking our nation's capitol of Ottawa killing another Canadian soldier and then storming the Parliament building before wounding another guard then he was finally killed! We are under attack on our own soil, two Canadian soldiers killed in less than a week! Our laws and old War Measures Act must be brought back to a tougher stance and we must remain vigilant against the enemy! Deport 'em all! We cannot keep importing the enemy and allowing homegrown terrorists to be recruited by Islamist scum! Brainwashing our own citizens to attack our own people! It must Stop and the time is now! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

European Elections:A great success for White Nationalism around the world!

European Elections: A Small Step Forward to Saving the World from Jewish Supremacism

from (

The results of European Parliament elections held last week have at last shown that in many  parts of Europe, resistance to the ideologies enforced by Jewish Supremacists—mass immigration and globalization—are being decisively rejected. does not endorse any particular political party, or seek to express an opinion one way or another on any party, so any mention of an organization in the review below must not be taken as an endorsement or rejection. Our overview is merely based on the overall tendency which has been highlighted by the results, and nothing else.
In France, the Front National has done better than even it had probably expected or hoped, polling a historic 25% of votes in the European elections and becoming France’s top party on the European stage.
By comparison, the second place was taken by the centre-right UMP, which polled just over 20% of the vote, and the ruling Socialist Party came third with 13.9%.
The Front National’s main campaign platforms were a rejection of mass immigration and the dismantling of the globalist European Union.
In Greece, the far left but anti-EU party Syriza party topped the polling, while the nationalist Golden Dawn party boosted its share of the vote to 9.4%, which means that it will return three Members of the European Parliament (MEP).
In Hungary, the nationalist Jobbik Party came second, polling 15% of the vote, which means it will return three MEPs.
In Germany, the nationalist NPD won its first seat in the European Parliament, while the anti-EU “Alternative for Germany” party took seven seats.
In the United Kingdom, the BNP viote decreased by more than 90% from 2009. This was predictable, given that party’s well-known internal issues. This collapse allowed the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) a free run to win the EU elections in Britain outright and return 24 MEPs. UKIP is firmly anti-EU and seeks to restrict immigration.
In the Netherlands, the anti-EU Freedom Party, led by Geert Wilders, came second with 14% of the vote, and will return four MEPS. Recently, the Dutch Jewish lobby has formally attacked Wilders for daring to work with France’s Front National and Austria’s Freedom Party.
In Austria, the anti-immigration Freedom Party scored 20% of the vote, and doubled its representation in the European Parliament to four seats.
Parties with anti-EU platforms also performed well in Denmark, Belgium and Poland, with only Italy bucking the trend to any significant degree.
It can therefore be seen that the general trend is without any doubt towards an anti-globalization policy, and towards a tightening of immigration control.
Both of these policies are core to the overall Jewish Supremacist policy for the rest of the Gentile world (but of course firmly rejected for Israel).
All freedom-loving people around the globe can draw solace from the fact that the latest European Parliament elections have now at last shown a definite step away from this Jewish Supremacist globalist agenda. There is still much work to do, but every journey begins with that first step!