Saturday, April 1, 2023

This is the New Mugshot Martyrdom! Self Sacrifice without blowing yourself up or plotting violence. The White- European Way, Peaceful Martyrdom (Self Defence also good and peaceful)!

* This is the New Mugshot Martyrdom! Self Sacrifice without blowing yourself up or plotting violence. The White-European Way, Peaceful Martyrdom (Self Defence also good and peaceful)! *

Donald Trump boasts that his mugshot will become 'the most famous in the history of the world' | Daily Mail Online

 Donald Trump believes that his mugshot will become 'the most famous one in the history of the world,' and plans to use it to raise millions for his presidential campaign, a friend claimed last night.

The mugshot will be plastered on coffee mugs, tea towels, posters, T-shirts and flags.

Toni Holt Kramer, a friend of Trump's for more than a decade and head of the Trumpettes support group, told the MoS: 'President Trump and his supporters know the mugshot sums up the witch-hunt against Mr Trump and is emblematic of everything that is wrong with the banana republic that [President] Biden's America has become.' 

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