Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Pope Benedict XVI allowed himself to pass in to the Kingdom of Light


    I am not a religious man but I am now a Spiritual man, I was baptized and raised French Roman Catholic but if I was religious I would be a Protestant perhaps but my true religion is Creativity and the Laws of Nature but I have come to believe that each religion is all based on the same energy and connection to a Higher Power like Father Nature. A guy I did stone masonry for and I made fun of him from what he described I have now experienced the Holy Spirit or Holy Trinity to my understanding, I have many Physics and scientific explanations for this but a lot I cannot explain. I made fun of religious people for decades and actually thought they were all insane and weak minded and I apologize and feel bad for that now but I am not going to endorse a one religion but understand it is all interpretations of the same thing, I like earth based religions for their symbolism and history that are not evil nor wrong, it is Nature or God, Good VS Evil means we are all Arch Angels or Devils Two sides of the same coin that can be flipped at anytime "metaphorically" to serve a propose to do a job as Nature or God deems it necessary for that time like now to cleans the earth and bring balance back to "The Force" as it were.

    Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger) was one of us and tried to bring Conservatism and Traditionalism back to Catholicism and even though I am not a Catholic we must respect the man and what he tried to do, he could not continue due to age and health but I believe he felt a great change and let himself slip into Gods hands knowing what he wanted was coming this New Year finally.

God Bless Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger and may he Rest In Peace!

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