Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Truckers protest in Ottawa and across the country to end so -called "vaccine" mandates is a great success!


     Thank the Truckers and Patriots 'Freedom Convoy" protests in Ottawa and across Canada that have been a great success in gaining for the people of Canada the recent provincial and governments ending  so-called "vaccine" mandates and communist "social credit" type system of electronic monitoring passports etc. 


   Patriots united in protest to end mandates and restore freedoms in the tens of thousands across Canada has been history in the making, closing several major border crossings, a great mass awakening and actions by average Canadian citizens and Patriots. A Nationalist revolution that has been evolving for past few years is growing by leaps and bounds and growing!




    Despite all the disinformation by the communist Turdeau government and communist state media propaganda apparatus' attempts to lie, incite hatred and violence, sowing division, marginalizing, dehumanizing and demonizing average citizens as some small "fringe" group (actually the silent majority standing up and speaking out) to provoke and escalate the situation with fake news and false narratives to have an excuse to invoke the Emergencies Act but their web of lies fell apart awhile ago when over the past few weeks protests have been peaceful by masses of tens of thousands of truckers and supporters across our country for weeks without any serious incidents.


 Turdeau Sr, with close friend Fidel Castro communist leader of Cuba.


     Turdeau's provocations, insults and incitement against average hardworking Canadians was on purpose to invoke the Emergencies Act to follow in his treasonous father's footsteps when Turd Senior enacted the War Measures Act against the people with use of the military then years later changed it to the Emergencies Act that has never been used to also be remembered like his father wanting to make history as an Authoritarian Communist leader like his idols in China and Cuba.   

    I was anti-vaxx before it was cool, I have not had a shot nor antibiotics since high school and I never get sick, been sick once in 8 years and with some raw garlic, tea and honey was gone in a couple days and maybe a shot of the old Buckley's at worst, shots weaken the immune system but If people want to put poison in their veins from the legal drug dealers aka big pharma, well that is your right and freedom to do so without coercion or by force, infringing on our rights and freedoms. 

    Now like a good communist and anti-capitalist even before the Emergencies Act the Turd and his cohorts like state media and Rothschild banking system aided and abetted in the theft of money from private citizens from banks, violate privacy giving personal bank and donation information to the public as a target list for the government and their allies. 


    Turdeau needs to resign along with his Fiberal lackeys and he should be exiled to either China or Cuba at the very least or life in prison for his crimes against humanity, war on freedoms and ruining the fabric of our society. In the interim a new transitional government of the people, excluding the guilty party of Fiberals should rule until a new Prime Minister can be elected,  to fix what has been wrong for the past 50 years since Turdeau Senior ruined this country.  

    The real people have now spoken and stood up to fight for freedom being pushed to the limit and then some whilst being the bigger person not being sucked into or provoked by the government keeping peaceful, polite and cordial. Now Canada is a beacon to the world inspiring similar protests globally against covid tyranny by the globalists and communist elites.

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