Monday, August 10, 2020

BLM= Burn Loot Murder

 BLM=Burn Loot Murder 

First off this isn't even a racial issue of the police accidentally killing a convicted criminal that happens to be black since 3 out of 4 police officers involved are not white, 1 black, 1 Mexican and 1 Asian.

This issue should be political discourse about police brutality and excessive force not race.

When you think people like me and the police are friends your totally wrong. Yeah out of 100 cops iv dealt with over 30 years maybe 5 said they support us and agree with me but also said they'd have to do their job and not show any sympathies, the police are terrified of dealing with black gangs etc or pull their guns out even to save their own life they hesitate and are afraid to be called racist.  A cop would shoot a White Nationalist without hesitation if in a threatening situation with me but if I was black Id get a pass, they would hesitate and could shoot at them then run then cry racism if I get shot even if I was the aggressor. These are words from actual police officers iv met that fight crime and gangs and cant properly do their job or defend themselves and made to second guess themselves because of a potential lawsuit and racial issue.

People leading the charge against whites are bleeding heart crazy women with mental illness and daddy issues, if this was in the heart of Detroit they would be raped and killed.

It's yet another excuse for blacks to kill white people, burn and loot their own neighborhoods and businesses playing the imaginary race card of non-existent racism.

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