Thursday, January 30, 2020

ANTIFA : EXPOSED How and Where Antifa Organize , and how they are funded

ANTIFA : EXPOSED  How and Where Antifa Organize , and how they are funded

Hello and welcome back. So far, I have shown you how dangerous Antifa is , how they use media to promote their violence and hate , and have shown you that they are in fact the REAL racist organization they claim everyone else is . I have shown you some of physical weapons they use to enact terrorism upon the public.  In this article , I will explain to everyone how they organize and where , and how they are funded ... and you will be surprised  ( or not ) as to where some of their money comes from . 

Antifa is not like a corporation with head offices , board of directors , shareholders and retail outlets. They are a domestic terrorist organization that wants to force YOU into believing in a communist state , where YOUR rights would be non existent , and THEIR rights, wants , desires and actions would be rule of  " law "  Antifa is not a single based , single focused organization . Rather , they employ various methods ,  means and messages to terrorize the public  . They have different " branches " and different leaders  who specialize in these areas , to create a network of terror . I will expand on the leaders in another article because it is vast and nation wide, focusing in different areas. 

You will recall that in my very first story, I linked you to this film which I proclaimed as being a good and  an accurate representation of todays anarchist / antifa terrorist organization and some of the ways they operate . Yes, it is a Hollywood styled film , however, it is remarkably accurate in many things , including how they operate as an organization . One thing that was prevalent through the film , and in reality , was how church's are a main stay  to provide " sanctuary " to these organizations . Some of these domestic terrorist organizations are even provided  actual " office space to them by these radical churches.  

OCAP , the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty  another one of these specialized domestic terrorist organization , uses the sanctuary of the church to conduct their " business " I will expand on OCAP at a later date , but I wanted to show here how selected churches are  using their facilities to harbor and possibly even provide church  logistical services to further the cause of these terrorists.

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