Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Minoans were Caucasian: DNA debunks longstanding theory that Europe's first advanced culture was from Africa

  • British archaeologists who in 1900 discovered the Minoan culture believed they were from Libya or Egypt
  • The Minoan civilisation arose on Crete in the 27th century BC and flourished until the 15th century BC

A Minoan fresco of children boxing: New DNA analysis has debunked the theory that the Minoans were refugees from North Africa
A Minoan fresco of children boxing: New DNA analysis has debunked the theory that the Minoans were refugees from North Africa
DNA analysis has debunked the longstanding theory that the Minoans, who some 5,000 years ago established Europe's first advanced Bronze Age culture, were from Africa.
The Minoan civilisation arose on the Mediterranean island of Crete in approximately the 27th century BC and flourished for 12 centuries until the 15th century BC.
But the culture was lost until British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans unearthed its remains on Crete in 1900, where he found vestiges of a civilisation he believed was formed by refugees from northern Egypt.
Modern archaeologists have cast doubt on that version of events, and now DNA tests of Minoan remains suggests they were descended from ancient farmers who settled the islands thousands of years earlier.
These people, it is believed, are from the same stock that came from the East to populate the rest of Europe.
Evans set to work on Crete in 1900 with a team of archaeologists soon after the island was liberated from the yoke of the Ottoman empire, almost immediately unearthing a great palace.
He named the civilisation he discovered after the legendary Greek king Minos and, based on likenesses between Minoan artifacts and those from Egypt and Libya, proposed that its founders migrated into the area from North Africa.
Since then, other archaeologists have suggested that the Minoans may have come from other regions, possibly Turkey, the Balkans, or the Middle East.
But now a joint U.S. and Greek team has made a mitochondrial DNA analysis of Minoan skeletal remains to determine the likely ancestors of the ancient people.
Mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of cells, contain their own DNA, or genetic code, and because mitochondrial DNA is passed down from mothers to their children via the human egg, it contains information about maternal ancestry.
Findings suggest that the Minoan civilisation arose from the population already living in Crete, and that these people were probably descendants of the first humans to reach there about 9,000 years ago.
Further, they found, the remains have the greatest genetic similarity with modern European populations.
Senior researcher Dr George Stamatoyannopoulos, professor of medicine and genome sciences at the University of Washington, said the analysis showed these people probably came to the area from the East, not the South.
Minoan Palace Ruins at Knossos: The Minoan culture, Europe's first advanced civilisation, arose on the Mediterranean island of Crete in approximately the 27th century BC and flourished for 12 centuries
Minoan Palace Ruins at Knossos: The Minoan culture, Europe's first advanced civilisation, arose on the Mediterranean island of Crete in approximately the 27th century BC and flourished for 12 centuries
'About 9,000 years ago there was an extensive migration of Neolithic humans from the regions of Anatolia that today comprise parts of Turkey and the Middle East,' he said.
'At the same time, the first Neolithic inhabitants reached Crete.
'Our mitochondrial DNA analysis shows that the Minoans' strongest genetic relationships are with these Neolithic humans, as well as with ancient and modern Europeans.
'These results suggest the Minoan civilization arose 5,000 years ago in Crete from an ancestral Neolithic population that had arrived in the region about 4,000 years earlier.
'Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans also migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples.'

'Our data suggest that the Neolithic population that gave rise to the Minoans also migrated into Europe and gave rise to modern European peoples'

George Stamatoyannopoulos, professor of medicine and genome sciences at the University of Washington
Dr Stamatoyannopoulos and his team analysed samples from 37 skeletons found in a cave in Crete’s Lassithi plateau and compared them with mitochondrial DNA sequences from 135 modern and ancient human populations.
The Minoan samples revealed 21 distinct mitochondrial DNA variations, of which six were unique to the Minoans and 15 were shared with modern and ancient populations.
None of the Minoans carried mitochondrial DNA variations characteristic of African populations.
Further analysis showed that the Minoans were only distantly related to Egyptian, Libyan, and other North African populations.
Indeed, the Minoan shared the greatest percentage of their mitochondrial DNA variation with European populations, especially those in Northern and Western Europe.
A restored Minoan clay vessel at the Palace of Malia ruins: Sir Arthur Evans, who discovered the Minoan civilisation, proposed his theory of its origin based on likenesses between Minoan artefacts and those from Egypt
A restored clay vessel at the Palace of Malia ruins: Sir Arthur Evans, who discovered the civilisation, proposed his theory of its origin based on likenesses between Minoan artefacts and those from Egypt and Libya
When plotted geographically, shared Minoan mitochondrial DNA variation was lowest in North Africa and increased progressively across the Middle East, Caucasus, Mediterranean islands, Southern Europe, and mainland Europe.
The highest percentage of shared Minoan mitochondrial DNA variation was found with Neolithic populations from Southern Europe.
The analysis also showed a high degree of sharing with the current population of the Lassithi plateau and Greece.
In fact, the maternal genetic information passed down through many generations of mitochondria is still present in modern-day residents of the area where the Minoan skeletons were found.
Dr Stamatoyannopoulos said he believes that the findings highlight the importance of DNA analysis as a tool for understanding human history.
'Genetic analyses are playing in increasingly important role and predicting and protecting human health,' he said.
'Our study underscores the importance of DNA not only in helping us to have healthier futures, but also to understand our past.'

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Nelson Mandela, The Death Of A Terrorist and Promoter Of White Genocide! Finally!

Convicted South African Terrorist Nelson Mandela is finally dead! Hip Hip Hooray!
Mandela responsible for 560 terrorist attacks on whites and white women and children in South Africa and the later facilitation of the white genocide of 70 000 or more finally bit the dust! Enough said.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nelson Mandela the Terrorist and White Genocide in South Africa

How and why could a convicted terrorist responsible for 560 attacks and murders of innocent women and children in South Africa become a president and get a Nobel Peace Prize? I guess Charles Manson should get a Nobel Prize as well or just put em in cereal boxes so anyone can get one as seems to be the case. Insane you would say and couldn't happen people would say but it did.

 Nelson Mandela the communist had planned and carried out bombings in South Africa until he was caught and convicted and put in prison in 1962, why wasn't he executed? Any other nation would have hung such a scumbag but the supposed oppressive Apartheid government allowed him to live. Then 27 years later the then (White) president De Klerk wanted to end apartheid so he chose Mandela as the pawn to settle the local brutal savages for the transition.

Since 1994 over 4000 white farmer families have been brutally raped, murdered and skinned alive and altogether 70 000 whites murdered by blacks in this Genocide being condoned by then president Mandela and the current ANC government, why doesn't the UN step in? Impose sanctions? Put Mandela on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Is there that much White Guilt that the world ignores this? Under Apartheid there were no such murders, government sanctioned murder or cruelty or inhumane conditions as the Boer Whites have had to suffer, If whites did this to non-whites or even whites doing it to whites the US and her allies would invade and save the population from being annihilated in this type of genocide!

Stop the Genocide in South Africa and take that Peace Prize from Mandela and lat that savage animal die a savage animal and not remembered as some kind of hero but the zero he was!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Turd World, Middle East War Zone (North America)

The past few weeks there have been some frightening revelations in Canada of teenage terrorists from Canada who were involved and killed in the gas plant attack in Algeria, the day after the Boston terror attack by Chechen Islamists in the USA an Islamist terror plot to blow up railway lines in Canada was foiled before anybody was hurt.

The Conservatives i voted for actually ( yes i vote because it give me the right to complain) made some good changes in immigration reform this year but obviously not enough. There should be stipulations in the law in reverse of the 'Safe Countries' section of the new legislation not accept refugee claimants from countries where there is no danger on the flip side there should be a clause not to accept refugee claimants from 'Extremely Dangerous For Us Countries If We Let Them In' clause. Countries that harbour Islamist Extremism for example Afghanistan, Iraq (post War) Egypt, Yemen,Libya and countries that thanks to western interference have become radical Muslim states and known to have training camps and terror cells. Chechnya a Muslim extremist state that has fought 2 wars against ruling Russia for Independence have Jihadists, anyone coming from say Iran Or Syria that are secular countries that detain such extremists and not tolerated are likely Jihadists on the run and want to take revenge on the American infidels and of course Canada being the little brother that gets dragged along in these fights we become a target as well.



Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Imported societies, terrorists and criminals

   Read the article bellow that is being thrown in our faces as we are being mocked by the enemy!
 We are importing non-white societies of terrorists and criminals. Canada has been flooded for decades with non-whites that are known Islamic terrorists, Somali warlords, Sikh extremists, Tamil Tigers just to name a few that commit acts of terrorism against host white nations and recruiting our population to commit these acts on foreign soil to kill our diplomats and soldiers and funnel money made here to fund these groups in the Turd World.
    We are also importing Asian and Arab criminal gangs and organized crime flooding our country with drugs from Asia and the Middle East that fund militants in those regions. 
Where does it end? We know where it began with that dirty Liberal hippie Pierre (the traitor) Trudeau, hope many urinate on his grave because he helped Canada on the road to ruin by bringing in the tidal wave of muds that hate us, use us and want to kill us.
We must do what we can to end this travesty and crime against our people and nation and rectify the mess Trudeau and then Brian Mulroney made by speaking out as much as we can and taking a stand against the tide of non-white blood flooding our precious lands.
Take a stand for our Heritage! our Homeland!


CSIS notes 'insider threat' in Islamist extremism

Posted: Jan 21, 2013 8:01 PM ET

Canada’s spy agency sees the "insider threat" as a rising security risk for Canadians at home and abroad, according to a secret document obtained by CBC News.
Algeria's Prime Minister Abdul Malek Sallal said Islamist militants who attacked an Algerian gas plant last week included at least one Canadian — and a threat assessment report from the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency points to an upward trend of domestic Islamist extremism.
"Small groups (of) Canadians will continue to be inspired by the narrative and seek to engage in extremist activities both at home and abroad," reads The Threat Environment to 2025 report obtained by Power & Politics under the Access to Information Act.
A Canadian Forces C-17 military transport plane has been transporting equipment and personnel to Bamako, Mali in support of French forces in their mission against al-Qaeda-linked insurgents in the African nation.A Canadian Forces C-17 military transport plane has been transporting equipment and personnel to Bamako, Mali in support of French forces in their mission against al-Qaeda-linked insurgents in the African nation. (Sgt. Matthew McGregor/DND handout/Canadian Press)The assessment outlines global and domestic threats — and what is driving those trends, from energy and Arctic resources to geopolitical conflicts and the pursuit of nuclear weapons.
The report notes that CSIS has a number of key regional conflicts and failing states it's keeping an eye on, including North and Western Africa where places like Mali and Algeria have been in the spotlight
The report says Islamist extremism is a complicated threat, and warns that extremists will take advantage of "under-governed spaces and weak states."
Some of the key factors that are driving domestic extremism in Canada include grievances against capitalism, polarized debate on immigration, the migration of ideas, tools and tactics and radical environmentalism, according to the CSIS report.
Ray Boisvert, former assistant director of intelligence with CSIS who is currently president and CEO of I-Sec Integrated Strategies, said radicalization is a "growing pattern" in Canada. CSIS has identified up to 50 people who have left Canada to fight abroad.
"That means there are a lot of people with Canadian passports, who represent this country, who are out there committed to violence against others, and as we've seen in the Algerian example, serious violence leading to murder. And that would be extremely troubling for any and all of us," he told Power & Politics host Evan Solomon.