Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Special privilege Halal/Muslim and Kosher/Jewish religious diets in provincial jails

It is one thing to have religious freedoms and it is quite another to have special religious privileges such as turbans with an RCMP uniform or accepted head dress in The Legion or a kirpan dagger or sword to be   carried as part of a religious belief in the so called free world but  in  jail when freedom is lost and people are there to be punished certain people get special privileges as well?

In provincial jails everybody is supposed to have the same diet and basic calorie requirements so we are not talking about gourmet meals here,  people fight over more food, make trades to get more and sell their souls for an extra portion for generic small portioned not very good meals of processed meat that is one step up from dog food unless you are Jewish or Muslim.

To begin with over 90% of our  food supply is Kosher, if you look in your refrigerator or cupboards you will find the small Kosher symbol (COR in a circle for Canadian Orthodox Rabbis, MK for Montreal Kosher in Canada and K in a circle for Kosher or U in a circle for Union of Orthodox Rabbis (USA)) on most things that we pay a secret Rabbinical Kosher Excise Tax on to make our food Kosher for Jews that make up 3% of our population.

So why then is there a special Kosher diet in provincial jails? If you want more and better food with organic whole meats and such you can become what i like to call a "Jail  Jew". You put in a request form tell them you are Jewish and a Rabbi will come in and ask you a couple basic religious questions and then your on the Kosher diet gravy train.

Muslims go through the same process and they get a magic carpet to supposedly pray on but most just use them to spruce up their cell with a Persian rug and will bring them out onto the range and sit on them (real  Muslims would  probably stab them if they saw this) because all seats are concrete and steel so "Jail Muslims" have comfy seats and the rest of the jail population can barely get away with bringing out a towel to  sit on. The Halal diet is a similar privilege as the Kosher diet, better quality  food.

To question this could get you a beating by the guards. True story, in a certain Super Jail in Southern Ontario somebody had a Persian cellmate that was Iranian and had the Halal diet and he did not practice the religion just had the Koran but  did not pray etc., one day on a Wednesday was supposed to be pizza day for lunch according  to the menu and people would laugh because it was fake potato slivers with a slice of fake processed colbassa covered with a pinch of cheese and tomato sauce, when lunch came the Muslim cellmate got an actual real  pizza to Halal specifications so the regular white Canadian cellmate put in a complaint about this on a  request form then a few hours later a guard nicknamed Handlebars calls out this person's name and walks up to him and says "did you write this?" the inmate said "yes" guard says "is this a joke?" inmate says "no" then the inmate sensed some hostility and prepared for a possible beating then the guard who looks like a big skinhead goes off on some liberal-hippie-commie starving children in Africa speech and that they should be thankful to be fed etc then he left and then a female guard walked up to him before she left and said they would have been beaten up if  she was not there.

Another prime example of Social Communism and certain people having special privileges in a country  their forefathers did not build or fight for.

yours truly,

Kevin Goudreau

Chairman, White Nationalist Front


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The masses being programmed Part II (Dr. Kev's diagnosis 'Captivity Syndrome')

Nowhere in nature do we see species in the animal kingdom interbreed except in captivity as it occurs amongst humans in what i like to call 'Captivity Syndrome' in the sense that we are forced together and held captive under occupation by the hostile enemy alien forces and their collaborators, the multi-cult commissars. Outside of the Social Communism of parroting what the in-crowd says every father in their right mind will tell their precious White-Aryan child "I'm not racist but...if you bring a nigger home i will disown you", the boys tend to obey logic and are naturally attracted to white women the most beautiful women on earth but girls on the other hand all have "Daddy Issues" and to rebel against their father will go slumming and bring a mongrel of some sort home like a stray cat and before they realize the mistake they have made they get stuck with a Peanut Butter Baby (that has no racial identity which we consider cruelty to children) and former white ladies are forever 'Damaged Goods' and no self respecting white man would touch a race traitor whore that has defiled herself with a 10 ft pole.

For those who think it is a personal preference of free will are sadly mistaken, look at music videos for instance, I have a few white nationalist friends who are what we call "Wiggers" and fell into that rap fad when they were young but have grown and not forgotten who they are and that white is right and have exposed me to this new degeneration of music videos and im not talking about rap which is 3/4 of the word crap but beautiful talented white women putting non-whites in their videos like Katy Perry's "E.T" which is without a doubt the most heinous of race mixing propaganda videos ,Jesse J.'s "Price Tag" starts out fine then it turns into Lorne Green's New Wilderness/National Geographic some "Inter-Species Erotica" at the end. Others seem content to just have your background token non-whites like Avril Lavigne, Kesha and Britney Spears to be accepted and sell records without having to engage in "Jungle Fever" in their videos and then the only wholesome Aryan princess and shinning white light left that makes music videos on her own merit and talent is Taylor Swift that can sing despite what Koonye West said at the VMA awards in that attack, what will he do next? Throw feces at the stage? If a white man did that to a black singer there would have been a hell-storm but the brainwashed masses were pretty much complacent about it which is a sad state of affairs my brothers and sisters. Take a stand and boycott such music and videos!!!

yours truly,

Kevin Goudreau

Chairman, White Nationalist Front


Monday, June 20, 2011

The masses being programmed with leftist agendas.

     The bottom line is that there is insidious brainwashing from birth, in our schools, TV shows that are written for a set period of time with a goal of imprinting an idea and behaviour upon us, movies, media and adds by the Zionists and Liberals whom control most of it. They employ simple Pavlovian control mechanisms of flashing certain images at us at a certain rate, colour and frequency to achieve certain programmed physical responses in our people to imprint their left-wing, anti-white ideas and agendas to destroy our morality as a people and nations to poison our bloodlines and create war and strife among our own kind. They like coming out with a WW2 movie or 2 every year to keep up the brainwashing, demonizing our ideals by flashing pics of swastikas and dead bodies to images and adds of mixed race couples to glorify unnatural and immoral practices. As long as people have food in their fridge and not dying they will accept whats on TV and the papers at face value without question like Pavlov's drooling dogs getting its snack for certain behaviour like the Social Communism we are victims of when we speak out and how we are treated but if you publicly comply with the leftist ideas they are rewarded with praise and affection. We must never give up and continue to spread the truth and take it to the masses as much as we can by any means to wake them up from their psychologically induced psychosis or fog of the lifetime of brainwashing some of our people are victim to that make them sheeple and lemmings, we need more solutions to achieve this to save our people from themselves for they know not what they do in their dream state created by the enemies of our race.
yours truly,

Kevin Goudreau

Chairman, Canadian Nationalist Front


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Israeli Apartheid, Ok for the Jews but not for the rest of the world???

The British Partition Treaty of 1947 which was originally the idea of Hermann Goering as the Final Solution to be the creation of a homeland for the Jews in Madagascar later adopted by the British to place them in Palestine after the war put the Jews in control of the country of Palestine, changed the name to Israel and they became the oppressors, overlords of the Palestinians and bullies of their Arab/Persian neighbours.

    An openly racist, segregated, Apartheid state Israeli Jews have become what they claim to hate, they took what they learned from the German national socialists and put the ideas into practice in Israel.

    It was wrong for the South African Boers, it was wrong for the Germans and wrong for us and the rest of the world but yet it is publicly accepted to be OK for Jews by the world. Why? Because of Zionist influence in world governments, education, music movies and media.

    Why is that when the world is in the midst of nuclear non-proliferation treaties and disarmament the USA gives Israel 80 nuclear warheads among other things to hold the middle east hostage including all the other free military goodies given to them also all the Arab/Persian nations around them in the middle east are not even allowed to have nuclear power? Using their influence in countries like the USA to be the enforcers for Israel.

    To speak the truth, to question it and to expose this truth and hypocrisy is almost crime now. How did this happen? Why did we let this happen to us?

    We want the same!!! Why is it ok for them to have a racial state where gentiles/non-jews are not welcome (unless your going there to give them free stuff and aid of some sort) and not for us?

yours truly,

Kevin Goudreau

Canadian Nationalist Front


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Leftwing Terrorists

"After years of leftist organizations protesting certain issues and intimidating their enemies, perhaps it is time that we expose them and highlight their real goals and motives. Groups such as SHARP, RASH, ARA and Anti- Fa have been roaming the streets, making websites and recruiting members into their organizations for some time now while trying to promote a message against racism. The question we must all ask: Is that their true motive? Or are they hiding something behind this propaganda? After many RASH and anarchist members were arrested at the G20 summit, it is not a total stretch of the imagination to assume that there is another motive within their movements. Large numbers of these individuals have been arrested, charged and convicted of violent acts and vandalism throughout the city. They have spray painted walls in the outside areas and attacked innocent people in the past. It seems that these leftist organizations are fond of gang beatings and attacking individuals with more of a number on their side. Our mission is to expose them for what they truly intend and to potentially welcome them to be productive members of society, instead of a youth terrorist group under the disguise of anti- racist activism"

Supporter Toronto

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Proud To Be White

How many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Canadians, Mexican Canadians, Asian Canadians, Arab Canadians, Native Canadians, etc.

Then there are just Canadians.

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You Call me White boy, Cracker, Honkey, Whitey, Caveman. And that's OK.

But when I call you, Nigger, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink...

You call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi You have the NAACP. You have BET.

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) — We'd be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day — You would call us racists.

If we had White History Month — We'd be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites to "advance OUR lives" — You would call us racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.

Wonder who pays for that?

If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships You know we'd be racists.

There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US , yet if there were a "White college" THAT would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching For your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights,

You would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're Not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride.

You call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer Shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society. You call him a racist.

I am proud and white.
But, you call me a racist.

Erin Mccormick , WNF Member

White Civilization

The civilized world would not be civilized if not for whites. If we had not come to north America the natives would sill be in he tepee and using bows, we brought social structure, monetary value, better weapons monogamy and many other things that had not been here before now. Africa as a prime example of this, South Africa is civilized, has industry and so on and so forth although there is war and unrest but it is essentially civilized where as North Africa where the white man never seemed to venture there is sill a turd world country living in mud huts using spears and jumping around a fire, it would seem all the turd world countries are low on the civilization factor of the worlds that the white man walks now, mind you the Asian countries of China and Japan have a good civil structure but did this happen before or after they where exposed to the white man? It would also seem all the inventions that are important to the world came from the white man, so in short the white man has civilized the world!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Employment Equity/Affirmative Action

 We need more attention brought to the fact that hiring policies in Canada aka Affirmative Action or Employment Equity must be stopped and is a form of reverse discrimination and is quite dangerous to hire non-whites or anyone based on race and not qualifications especially in jobs like firemen and police officers were lives are in danger and you have to rely and trust the person behind or beside you with your life.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


MYTH #1:
High levels of immigration are required to ensure Canada's prosperity.
The facts:
A country's prosperity does not depend on a growing population or workforce. This is particularly true in the case of Canada since we are a trading nation and do not require an increasingly large domestic market to achieve economies of scale. Our prosperity depends rather on sound economic policies that stimulate productivity, make good use of capital investment and maximize the potential of the existing workforce.

MYTH #2:
With an aging population and lower fertility rates, Canada needs high levels of immigration to provide the workers and tax base required to support social services for retirees.
The facts:
While it is true Canadians are living longer and having fewer babies, research shows that immigration has almost no impact on offsetting the costs of an aging population. Immigrants themselves grow old and draw on social support services while on average they have families as small as those of other Canadians.
For immigrants to make a net contribution to the support of social services, they would have to pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. In recent years this has not been the case as newcomers have usually earned substantially less than native-born Canadians and have drawn significantly more in social services than they have paid in taxes.
The only ways to deal with the effects of an aging population involve increases in productivity and raising the age of retirement to accord with improvements in the population's health and longevity.

MYTH #3:
Canada is sparsely populated and can support a much larger population.
The facts:
Despite Canada's large surface area, much of it is not suited for human habitation. It would require a large input of food and energy for any significant number of people to live there and this would have both economic and environmental costs.
A large majority of recent immigrants have chosen to live in large cities, most notably Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, because of the wider range of social services, the higher quality of life, economic opportunities and the presence of relatives and immigrant communities in these locations.

This does not result in net benefits for most of the residents of these large cities and increases pressure on educational and health care facilities as well as adds to housing costs, commute times and environmental problems.

MYTH #4:
Canada needs large numbers of immigrants because it will face massive shortages of skilled labour in the coming decades.
The facts:
There will be no such shortages if more Canadians acquire the needed skills, which can be accomplished if wages, government policies and other conditions encourage them to do so and the jobs are not filled by immigrants. With a few exceptions-such as the present and temporary shortage of medical workers-Canada has both the human resources and educational infrastructure to meet our skilled labour needs.

MYTH #5:
We need immigrants to do the jobs Canadians won't do.
The facts:

Sufficiently high wages will induce Canadians to fill all jobs needed in the economy. The increased use of capital and new technologies induced by higher wages will raise workers' productivity enough so that employers can afford to pay the higher wages. The filling of these jobs by immigrants prevents such pay increases, which in turn causes more Canadians to live in poverty than would otherwise have been the case.
Dan Murray
Immigration Watch Canada